Thursday, July 23, 2009

First Look @ Twilight Wear

For the Vampire Lovers

"Team Edward" T-shirt, $32

So as anticipated by many Twilight Wear is hitting stores soon, personally I could care less. The movie was okay, but really do you need a shirt to show your devotion? I don't mean to rub you Twi-Hards the wrong way but come on. Anyhow I do think I will be seeing a million females wearing T-shirts in every color from every age devouring & devoting their selves to poor Taylor. It's cool though because we all have our thing...there's a few people that come to mind that I wouldn't mind wearing a screen Tee for! And if you did not know already the Twi-Wear will be hitting stores this OCTOBER. That's right! At Nordstroms so if they do not have one where you live you better find a way to get near one....which makes me think?! should I have a contest? I think YES!

For the Wolf Lovers

"Team Jacob" tank, $28

If you send me a photo of you in your favorite outfit whether it's a Tee & jeans of a designer dress. I will send one winner a much appreciated Twilight Tee Shirt. Just go to the about me section & send me a quick email titled "I love _your fav. twilight star!___"


1. Don't Tweet him or look for him on Facebook he has NEITER
2. He drinks a lot of Red Bull; so if you ever decide to meet him...bring him one.
3. His favorite band is U2, & he'll be shooting his new movie Eclipse! in the same place, Vancouver.
4. He's not all that eco-friendly his favorite thing to wear is his Leather Jacket.
5. He drives a black BMW 5 series but is more into football than cars.

October will be the debut of a full twilight line including necklaces, and accessories. There will also be jackets and other items. Below is a sneak PREVIEW!!!

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